Created original layouts and prepared existing designs for publications on iPad and Android tablets. All of the design and most of the interactivity can be achieved using Adobe's Digital Publishing Suite (DPS).
Became main Apple and Google Developer for the Apple App Store and Google Play Marketplace. Kept up-to-date on the latest software developments for the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, viewed webinars, and participated in developer forums when bugs inevitably arose in the updates and tested apps on a wide range of devices. Created presentations on how to create and design apps, and trained fellow designers one-on-one to ensure the quality of interactivity. Below is a selection of my favorite designs.
Airport Business
Aircraft Maintenance Technology
Ground Service Provider*
Law Enforcement Technology
Sustainable Construction
Tool Chest
*Ground Service Provider received an Honorable Mention for the 2014 B2B Native App Digital Ozzie Award.
close up of email
close up of code
Project Manager and Designer for content marketing websites.
Uses WYSIWYG platform for layout.
detailed close ups below
Cover design for published Kindle Book
includes eNewsletter and responsive web ads
detailed close ups below